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Grants and Awards

The Cook Awards honor Cornell students, faculty, and staff members for their commitment to women’s issues and for improving the climate for women at Cornell. The awards are named in honor of the late Constance E. Cook, Cornell’s first woman vice president, and the late Professor Emerita Alice H. Cook, founding member of Cornell’s Committee on the Status of Women.

The Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, Teaching, and Service through Diversity recognizes leadership in diversity by tenured and tenure-track faculty. The award honors faculty who have made an outstanding impact in research or creative work, teaching and mentoring, and/or service in outreach in diversity.

Grant Review Awards are designed to support grant applications to external funders for faculty who enhance the diversity, equity and inclusion goals of the university.

Professional Development Grants are aimed to heighten the professional visibility of faculty who enhance the diversity, equity and inclusion goals of the university. Tenure-track and tenured faculty are eligible for these grants.

The Schwartz Research Fund  is awarded to Ithaca, Geneva-based and Cornell Tech female faculty or faculty who enhance the diversity, equity and inclusion goals of the university and whose work is in the life sciences at Cornell . The faculty display outstanding promise for conducting creative research. The primary goal is to provide seed money for investment in pilot experiments that generate novel preliminary data or open a significant new line of inquiry.

Schwartz Research Fund Visionary Grant is awarded to Ithaca, Cornell Tech, and Geneva-based female faculty or faculty who enhance the diversity, equity and inclusion goals of the university whose work is in the life sciences at Cornell.

The Small Group Mentoring Program is designed to bring together 3-9 faculty who enhance the diversity, equity and inclusion goals of the university and who share an interest in a broad topic, a discipline or broader disciplinary group, or a career stage.


Contact Information

Office of Faculty Development and Diversity
122 Day Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Ph: 607.255.6867
Fax: 607.255.4672
[email protected]